Dessert: Chocolate Cheesecake

Rich chocolate cheesecake that's really yummy.

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 50 mins

Total Time: 65 mins


8 oz fat free cream cheese
16 oz light cream cheese
1 1/2 cups sweetener
6 oz baking chocolate
6 oz fat free sour cream
3 large eggs


1. Preheat oven to 400° F (200° C).

2. Melt the chocolate squares in microwave. Cool.

3. Beat the cream cheeses and sweetener (like Splenda) until light and fluffy.

4. Add cooled chocolate.

5. Gradually add 1 egg at a time. Fold in sour cream.

6. Spray spring form pan with cooking spray like Pam. Pour mixture into pan.

7. Bake at 400° F (200° C) for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 200° F (90° C) and bake an additional 40 minutes. Cool completely before refrigerating.

8. Note: based on recipe from Low Carb Creations Vol 2.


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