Lunch: BBQ Brisket Tacos

These zesty tacos may take a while, but are definitely worth the wait.


1 c. ketchup
3 tbsp. spicy brown mustard
3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
3 cloves garlic, crushed with press
1/4 c. The Ultimate Rub
1 beef brisket (about 3 to 4 lbs)


Spray bowl of 6-to 8-quart slow coker with nonstick cooking spray. Add ketchup, mustard, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic; whisk to combine.
Coat brisket on all sides with The Ultimate Rub; add to slow-cooker bowl. Cover and cook on Low 8 hours or until tender but not falling apart.
Transfer brisket to cutting board. With 2 forks, shred meat. Return meat to slow-cooker bowl; stir to coat with sauce.
Serve pulled brisket with tortillas and cilantro leaves, radishes, limes, cheese, and choice of salsa.


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