Snack: Buttermilk-Blue Cheese Dip

Recipe by /contributors/bon-appetit-test-kitchen Pickled red onion adds crunch and punch. Serve with crudités.


5 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
Pinch of kosher salt plus more
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
Freshly ground black pepper


Place onion in a small heatproof bowl. Bring vinegar, sugar, salt, and 1/4 cup water to a boil. Pour over onion; stir to coat. Cover; let pickle in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Whisk buttermilk, sour cream, and chives in a medium bowl until smooth. Stir in blue cheese. Drain pickled onion and stir into dip. Season with salt and pepper. DO AHEAD: Can be made 3 days ahead. Cover dip and refrigerate.


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