Lunch: Fire Grilled Herb-Mopped Fresh Spring Chickens


2 Marksbury Farm fresh whole pasture-raised spring chickens
Salt and ground black pepper


Special equipment: 2 fire bricks wrapped in foilFor the chicken: Spatchcock the chickens by cutting out the backbone with a sharp knife or kitchen shears and flattening each. Sprinkle the chickens liberally with salt and pepper and let rest at room temperature for 2 hours. For the mopping sauce: Meanwhile, in a medium bowl combine the garlic, lavender, oil, wine, liqueur and lemon juice. Boil half of the sauce in a small saucepan for 2 minutes to soften the garlic and cook off the wine; reserve this half for serving. Preheat a grill for medium-high heat. Lightly oil the grill grates. Place the chickens breast-side down and sear for 4 minutes on each side, then continue to cook, turning the chickens every 2 minutes, brushing the chickens with the mopping sauce and placing a foil-wrapped fire brick on top of each bird with every turn. Cook until the internal temperature of the breast meat registers 165 degrees F on a thermometer, about 25 minutes. Transfer the chickens to a platter and allow to rest under foil 10 minutes. Serve with the reserved mopping sauce.
NotesThis recipe was provided by a chef, restaurant or culinary professional and may have been scaled down from a bulk recipe. Cooking Channel has not tested it for home use and therefore cannot make any representation as to the results.


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