Dessert: Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch Cake

A chocolate and vanilla cake with caramel and peanut butter crunch candies!


1 box marble cake mix
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1 jar prepared caramel topping
1 bag snack size peanut butter crunch candy bars
1 (8 oz) container whipped topping
1 cup prepared chocolate syrup


Preheat oven to 350 °.
Bake cake as directed in a 9x13 pan. Let cool. Poke holes all over cake. In a medium-mixing bowl mix condensed milk and caramel topping. Pour over cake. Break candy bars and sprinkle half all over cake. Top with whipped topping and sprinkle with remaining candy. Drizzle with chocolate syrup.
Notes from the Paula Deen Test Kitchen: Get ready for a sweet tooth fix with this cake! Cake can also be baked in two round cake pans. We made ours in individual servings using a small spring form pan. We suggest using freshly whipped cream. (Paula's recipe is 1 cup heavy cream and 1/4 cup confectioners sugar whipped together.)


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