Dinner: Bacon Swiss Risotto

This bacon Swiss risotto is salty, creamy, and delicious.

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 40 mins


1 tbsp bacon bits
1 medium onion
2 tbsps salted butter
3 oz gruyere cheese
4 cups chicken stock
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup short-grain white rice


1. Sauté onions and butter over medium-high heat until edges become translucent.

2. Add rice and sauté until fully translucent.

3. Add chicken stock 1/3-3/4 cups at a time, while keeping remainder of broth hot. Stir frequently after each addition of broth until fully absorbed before adding more. Continue to add broth until rice is cooked al dente.

4. Add bacon and garlic, stir, and continue cooking with broth until rice is tender.

5. Remove from heat, stir in cheese, top with parsley if desired.


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