Dinner: Chinese Dumplings, Gyoza, 中國鮮豬肉餃子 Gao Zhi Part 2

Please add me as your friend on facebook: www.facebook.com/wantanmien 請加我成為您的朋友在 facebook 上: www.facebook.com/wantanmien You can find more recipes and information on my website: www.wantanmien.com 請去我綱頁: www.wantanmien.com 你會找到很多不同的食譜和大家分享 Chinese and english recipe/ instructions below: 豬肉碎 黃牙白 麵粉 皮材料: 麵粉 500克 先濾過, 17.6 oz 溫水 350ml左右, 11.8 fl oz 做: 麵粉在盆內加入2/3溫水,用筷子拌勻,隨少再加入其它水,如還乾再加多些水,用手楺 麵糰不黏手,蓋碟在面 10 分鐘,令麵糰休息 餡: 可用牛肉,羊肉或什菜素餃 豬肉碎 500 克, 17 6 oz A 1. 糖少許 2. 鹽 2茶匙 3. 胡椒粉半茶匙 4. 醬油 2茶匙 5. 豆粉半茶匙 6. 水 4茶匙 7. 雞粉 1茶匙 8. 麻油 1茶匙 9. rum 酒 1茶匙 B 芫茜,青蔥碎隨意多少 薑碎 1茶匙 C 黃牙白(大白菜)6片洗淨,切長形後又橫形切薄絲加些鹽,手槎幾下,榨出水份,放少許 糖,鹽和麻油拌勻(可用韭菜,菠菜和白菜) 豬肉碎加入A拌勻,加入B再加入C拌勻後,試味 包餃子: 1. 桌上放粉麵糰取出槎光滑,楺成長條狀,用手指拆分開,放些麵粉,將洗麻雀一樣轉圓 形,手壓麵糰用桿成薄片 2. 薄麵塊放手,用茶匙取餡放中間,另外只手兩指合 3. 煲沸水後放入餃子(大約 12 只)等水沸後教小火,餃子浮面加入半杯水, 如此沸後加水 3 次,餃子完成 chinese dumpling recipe: Ingredients: wrapping: 500 gram flour ( sieved flour ), 17. 6 0z 350 ml warm water, 11.8 fl oz put flour into bowl add 200 ml warm water , stir it and add the rest of warm water, if it is still dry add some more water. knead into a smooth dough, cover up with plate and let it rest for 10 minutes. filling A : Minced pork 1. 500 gramminced pork , 17. 6 oz 2. 1/4 tea spoon sugar 3. 2 tea spoons salt 4. 1/2 tea spoon pepper 5. 2 tea spoons soy sauce 6. 1/2 tea spoo corn flour 7. 4 tea spoons water 8. 1 tea spoon chicken essence 9. 1 tea spoon sesame oil 10. 1 tea spoon rum my suggestion : you can combine with beef, lamb or mixed vegetable. filling B: 1. parsley and chive cut in small pieces 2. ginger ( chop ) 1 tea spoon filling C: chinese cabbage 6 pieces cut it fine add some salt use hand to mix well and leave it for 5 minutes. wash one time squeeze out water, add some sugar, salt and sesame oil. Mix A, B and C my suggestion: you can combine with spinach, green leek or different kinds of vegetables method: sift flour onto table knead into a soft dough and roll into a long cylinder, divide into portions and roll it thin , put filling in, put 12 dumplings in boiling water and wait until it reboils , turn down the heat add half cup of water, repeat this process 3 times, add half cup of water when the water boils for 3 times.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Chinese Dumplings, Gyoza, 中國鮮豬肉餃子 Gao Zhi Part 2

Fresh spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, all of which have significant roles in reducing inflammation in the body, all of which help in the case of infertility.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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