Dinner: Home Made Stuffed Keema Naans Recipe with Philips Air Fryer by Vahchef

Check home made stuffed keema naan recipe with Philips Air Fryer by Sanjay Thumma. Watch video to know detail recipe & ingredients to add. Keema Naan is popular unleavened flat bread stuffed with flavored minced meat. It is very popular dish in Punjab and other states of India. Keema Naan is one of the delicious foods eaten in the Afghanistan and other Asian subcontinent countries. http://www.vahrehvah.com/home-made-kheema-naans Ingredients Sugar 1/2 Teaspoons Yeast 1/2 Teaspoons Milk 2 Tablespoons Water 1/4 Cup Yogurt 1/4 Cup Oil 1 Teaspoons Salt 0 Pinch Flour 1 Cup Mince Meat 200 Grams Onion, chopped 1 Numbers Garlic, chopped 1/2 Teaspoons Ginger, chopped 1/2 Teaspoons Green Chillies, Chopped 1 Numbers Bell peppers, chopped 1 Tablespoons Coriander leaves, chopped 1 Tablespoons Mint leaves, chopped 1/2 Tablespoons Chilli powder 1 Teaspoons Garam masala 0 Pinch Tomato, chopped 1 Numbers Cream 1 Tablespoons Salt To taste Pepper, freshly crushed 0 Pinch Lemon juice 1 Numbers Beaten Egg (for egg wash) 1 Numbers Directions: 1.In a mixing bowl, add sugar, yeast, milk, water and mix together. 2.Add yogurt and mix. Add little oil, pinch of salt, all-purpose flour and mix to make soft dough (like the pizza dough). Rest this dough for 40 mins. 3.In another bowl, add mince meat, onions, garlic, ginger, green chillies, bell peppers, coriander, mint leaves, chilli pd, pinch of garam masala, tomatoes, cream, pinch of salt, freshly crushed pepper and combine all ingredients together. Sprinkle some lime juice and mix again. 4.Sprinkle some flour over the dough and divide them into equal portions. 5.With help of a rolling pin, roll the dough to a puri size and stretch a bit like a mini naan and keep aside. 6.Give an egg wash over the mini naan. 7.Spread the mince meat mixture evenly over the naan and sprinkle some grated cheese on the top. 8.Preheat the Philips Airfryer at 200 degree C for 3 minutes. 9.Open the basket and place the naans inside. Drizzle little oil over the naan and air fry for 5-6 minutes at 180 degree C until done. 10. Remove and serve hot. Reach vahrehvah at Website - http://www.vahrehvah.com/ Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=vahchef Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/VahChef.SanjayThumma Twitter - https://twitter.com/vahrehvah Google Plus - https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116066497483672434459 Flickr Photo - http://www.flickr.com/photos/23301754@N03/ Linkedin - http://lnkd.in/nq25sW Picasa Photos- http://picasaweb.google.com/118141140815684791742 Stumleupon http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/vahrehvah Tumblr http://vahrehvah.tumblr.com/ Blogger - http://vahrehvah.blogspot.in/

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Home Made Stuffed Keema Naans Recipe with Philips Air Fryer by Vahchef

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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