Dinner: Saba Misoni (Mackerel Simmered in Miso Recipe) 鯖の味噌煮 作り方レシピ

Ingredients for Saba Misoni (serves 2) 鯖の味噌煮2人前 字幕表示可 1 Saba Mackerel Fillet 1 Bell Pepper - seeded and quartered Shiraganegi - White part of a Long Green Onion, Shredded * please watch our yakibuta ramen video on how to make it www.youtu.be/yfEUwNQTXwU#t=168s 180ml Water (6.1 fl oz) 3 tbsp Sake 1 tbsp Sugar 1 tbsp Mirin 1½ tbsp Miso 3 slices of Ginger Root 10cm Green part of Long Green Onion (4 inches) Wooden Drop-lid (otoshi buta) or substitute: aluminum foil or parchment paper with several half inch holes <材料>2人分 鯖:半身 ピーマン:1個(種を取り除き縦4つ割) 白髪ねぎ:作り方は焼き豚ラーメンのビデオを御覧ください。 www.youtu.be/yfEUwNQTXwU#t=168s 水:180ml 酒:大3 砂糖:大1 みりん:大1 みそ:大1と1/2 生姜薄切り:3枚 長ねぎの青い部分:10cm 落とし蓋(穴を所々あけたアルミホイルかクッキングシートで代用) . http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Saba Misoni (Mackerel Simmered in Miso Recipe) 鯖の味噌煮 作り方レシピ

Miso is extremely nutrient-dense and believed to alkalinize the body and stop the effects of carcinogens in the system.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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