Snack: Crispiest Potato Chips

Keys to great chips: A lower frying temp gets the moisture out; a vinegar soak ensures they're crisp.


1 1/2 pounds russet or purple potatoes about 1/8" thick (a mandoline helps)
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
Vegetable oil, about 8 cups
Salt, Nori Salt, or Paprika Salt, for topping


Slice 1 1/2 pounds russet or purple potatoes about 1/8" thick (a mandoline helps). Place in a large bowl, add cold water to cover, and stir to release starch; drain. Repeat until water runs clear. Return potatoes to bowl; cover with 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar and 6 cups water. Let sit at least 30 minutes or up to 2 hours. Drain; pat dry.
Fit a medium heavy pot with a deep-fry thermometer; pour in vegetable oil to measure 4" (about 8 cups). Heat over medium-high until thermometer registers 300 °F.
Working in 6 batches and returning oil to 300 °F between batches, fry potatoes, turning occasionally to cook evenly, until golden brown and crisp (oil will have quit bubbling), about 5 minutes per batch. Using a spider or slotted spoon, transfer to a paper towel-lined wire rack. Season with salt, or Nori Salt or Paprika Salt.


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