Lunch: Grilled-Beef Summer Rolls

Chilled leftover steak is perfect in these light, vegetable-packed, easy to make rolls.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Grilled-Beef Summer Rolls

Basil is an excellent stress reliever, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.


1 1/2 oz. rice vermicelli
12 rice paper wrappers
1/4 c. basil leaves
1/4 c. Cilantro leaves
1/4 c. mint leaves
1 large carrot
2 Persian cucumbers
6 oz. leftover Grilled Rib Eye or deli roast beef
2 tbsp. lime juice
2 tbsp. Asian fish sauce
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. garlic
1 tsp. sriracha


Soak the rice vermicelli in boiling water until opaque and softened, 10 minutes. Drain, rinse and squeeze dry.
Fill a medium skillet with hot water. Soak 3 rice paper wrappers at a time in the water for 30 seconds, until just pliable. Transfer to a work surface and blot dry. Top each wrapper with some noodles, herbs, carrot, cucumber and beef. Tightly roll up the wrappers around the filling, tucking in the sides as you roll. Repeat with the remaining fillings.
In a bowl, stir together the lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, garlic, Sriracha and 2 tablespoons of water. Serve the rolls with the dipping sauce. Looking for more dinner options? Check out our pork chop recipes, chicken recipes, and potato recipes.


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