Drink: Sparkling Pomegranate Punch

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Sparkling Pomegranate Punch

Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.


2 oranges, thinly sliced crosswise
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
3/4 cup late-harvest white wine, such as late-harvest Riesling, chilled
Ice cubes, for serving
Two 750-milliliter bottles sparkling wine, chilled
3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup diced fresh pineapple (1/2 inch)
1 cup pomegranate juice


In a punch bowl, dissolve the sugar in the pomegranate juice, stirring vigorously. Add the sparkling wine and late-harvest white wine, then add the orange slices, diced pineapple and pomegranate seeds. Serve the sparkling pomegranate punch over ice cubes.


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