Lunch: Mary Rose


2 ounces Cranberry Ginger-Infused Vodka, recipe follows
3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
3/4 ounce Vanilla Simple Syrup, recipe follows
1 large ice cube, for shaking
Sprig fresh rosemary, for garnish


Pour the Cranberry Ginger-Infused Vodka, lime juice and Vanilla Simple Syrup into a cocktail shaker with the ice cube. Seal the shaker, shake vigorously and strain into a chilled coupe glass. Torch the rosemary sprig until smoking (blow out any flames) and garnish on the side of the glass.
This recipe was provided by restaurant professionals and may have been scaled down from a bulk recipe provided by a restaurant. The Food Network Kitchens chefs have not tested this recipe, in the proportions indicated, and therefore, we cannot make any representation as to the results.
Place the cranberries and ginger in the bottle of vodka. Cap and allow to steep for 10 days at room temperature. Be sure to turn the bottle over once each day. Strain the vodka through cheesecloth, being sure to squeeze excess vodka from the cranberries. Return the liquid to the bottle and cap.
Into small skillet, pour the sugar and water. Split the vanilla bean and scrape contents into the skillet. Add the vanilla bean husk to the water and bring to boil while stirring. Take off the heat after the sugar has completely dissolved. Once at room temperature, transfer to a sealable bottle. Do not strain.


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