Lunch: Asparagus-Mushroom Frittata Recipe

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Lemon, Asparagus

Health and fertility benefits of Asparagus-Mushroom Frittata Recipe

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to. We don't have any research on Asparagus as a fertility food yet. Please leave your review below if you are able to provide details about asparagus.


8 large eggs
1/2 cup whole-milk ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 package (8 ounces) frozen asparagus spears, thawed
1 large onion, halved and thinly sliced
1/2 cup finely chopped sweet red or green pepper
1/4 cup sliced baby portobello mushrooms


Preheat oven to 350 °. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, ricotta cheese, lemon juice, salt and pepper. In a 10-in. ovenproof skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add asparagus, onion, red pepper and mushrooms; cook and stir 6-8 minutes or until onion and pepper are tender.
Remove from heat; remove asparagus from skillet. Reserve eight spears; cut remaining asparagus into 2-in. pieces. Return cut asparagus to skillet; stir in egg mixture. Arrange reserved asparagus spears over eggs to resemble spokes of a wheel.
Bake, uncovered, 20-25 minutes or until eggs are completely set. Let stand 5 minutes. Cut into wedges.


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