Dessert: Jack-o'-Lantern Cake Recipe


2 packages spice cake mix (regular size)
1 ice cream cake cone (about 3 inches tall)
4 cans (16 ounces each) Pillsbury Happy Birthday Funfetti Orange All Star Vanilla frosting
2 Oreo cookies
1 package (24 ounces) ready-to-use rolled black fondant


Prepare and bake cakes according to package directions, using two 12-cup fluted tube pans. Cool.
Cut thin slice off bottom of each cake. Spread one cake bottom with frosting; press flat sides together to form a pumpkin shape.
Place a ball of foil in the center of the cake to support the "stem". Top with an ice cream cone. Frost cake with frosting.
To decorate face: Roll out fondant to 1/8-in. thickness; cut into desired shapes for mouth and nose. Remove tops from two Oreo cookies; cut out half circles in filling for eyes. Press cookies and fondant onto cake to make the face.


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