Lunch: Blackberry Limeade Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Kate Washington This summer cooler is great to bring along on a picnic or to serve at a backyard party. Pour over ice, if desired.


6 cups water, divided
3 cups fresh blackberries
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup fresh lime juice (about 4 limes)
8 thin lime slices
Fresh blackberries (optional)


Place 1 cup water and 3 cups blackberries in a blender; process until smooth. Press blackberry puree through a sieve into a large pitcher; discard seeds. Add remaining 5 cups water, sugar, and juice to pitcher; stir until sugar dissolves. Place 1 lime slice and a few blackberries, if desired, into each of 8 glasses; pour about 1 cup limeade over each serving.


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