Lunch: Cutlets of Windsor Lamb with Sauce Paloise

Perfect for a sunny springtime lunch, this dish utilizes some of the finest British produce, at its best during this time of year. We would use spring lamb from the Windsor Estate, and English asparagus — usually arriving in shops in late April — which is

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12 cutlets of lamb
100 mL herb oil
36 spear English asparagus
750 grams of Jersey Royal new potatoes
30 grams of butter
salt and pepper


Pick the leaves from the mint and set aside. Chop the mint stalks, then combine with the vinegar, peppercorns and shallots in a pan. Bring to the boil over a high heat and then continue to cook until the mixture has reduced by two-thirds.
Blanch the mint leaves in boiling water for 10-15 seconds to soften, then quickly refresh under cold running water. Gently squeeze the leaves dry and finely chop with a sharp knife.
Melt the butter in a pan, skimming off any white solids that rise to the surface. Keep warm until you are ready to make the sauce.
In a heatproof bowl placed over a pan of simmering water, whisk together the egg yolks and the vinegar reduction until they form a pale yellow foam (sabayon) which should hold its shape when you lift the whisk. (You must ensure that the sabayon does not get too hot or the egg yolk will start to cook.)
Slowly trickle the warm butter into the sabayon with a ladle, whisking all the time. The sauce should acquire a consistency similar to that of mayonnaise. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and the chopped blanched mint.
Carefully peel and trim the asparagus, taking care to remove the woody stems at the base of the spears.
Wash the Jersey Royals well and bring to the boil in a large pan of slated water. Turn down the heat until the pan is just simmering and allow to cook gently until tender. Once the potatoes are cooked, strain them and return to the heat briefly to dry off, before adding a knob of butter.
Cover and keep somewhere warm for at least 10 minutes before serving; this is so the potatoes can really absorb the butter.
Season the lamb cutlets with sea salt, freshly milled pepper and the herb oil before grilling in a hot griddle pan for 3-5 minutes per side (depending on how you like your lamb cooked).
Allow the lamb to sit and rest somewhere warm for five minutes. In the meantime, cook the asparagus in boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the spears. Serve the lamb with the asparagus, Jersey Royals, and a generous pot of warm sauce paloise.
Lightly bruise the herbs and garlic before putting them into a saucepan with the oil. Heat very gently, allowing the herbs to infuse for around 10-15 minutes. Do not allow the oil to get too hot as the herbs must not start to fry. Once the oil has warmed through, remove it from the heat and leave the herbs in it overnight (or for as long as possible) before straining the oil. You can use the herbs in a marinade for a Sunday roast.


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