Dessert: Chocolate Bourbon Caramel Cups with Salted Pistachios


12 ounces, weight Chopped Dark Chocolate (I Used Vegan Dark Chocolate)
2 teaspoons Coconut Oil
1/3 cup Toasted Pistachios, Chopped
Sea Salt For Sprinkling


You will also need 24 candy cup liners.
For the chocolate cups, melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a heat proof bowl in a microwave or over a double boiler, whisking until smooth. Spread the inside of small candy cup liners with a thin layer of chocolate (you should have chocolate left over). Place them on a sheet pan and into the freezer for 10 –15 minutes while you make the caramel.
For the caramel, add bourbon and vanilla to the cream.
In a heavy sauce pan over medium-high heat, melt the sugar. Stir gently until sugar is mostly melted and then reduce heat to lowest setting and add coconut oil. Whisk in the cream mixture. If the sugar seizes up, then turn the heat to medium and stir consistently until sugar has melted back into the caramel and is smooth and thick. This can take 5 –8 minutes so be patient!
Take the chocolate cups out of the freezer and put a little spoonful of the caramel into the frozen chocolate cups. When they are all filled, place back in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
At this point, you will have to re-melt the remaining chocolate. Spoon a small amount over the top of the caramel, just enough to cover the caramel and seal up the cup. Immediately sprinkle with a small amount of the pistachios and salt. Let sit at room temperature to set up.
Store in an airtight container or in the freezer.
Note: You can use heavy whipping cream instead of coconut cream, and regular dark chocolate in place of vegan chocolate.


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