Lunch: Cheesy Chicken Noodle and Broccoli Soup

Easy and cheesy, this hearty soup is ready in about 10 minutes. Serve it with Pillsbury® Breadsticks.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Cheesy Chicken Noodle and Broccoli Soup

Broccoli is one of the non-starchy vegetables that has a very low glycemic index (GI), which is beneficial for reducing blood sugar levels. Broccoli is also a source of DIM (Diindolymethane). Diindolymethane is very effective in reducing the testosterone levels in the body, an action that would automatically curb male dominant features and regulate the estrogen levels in the system.


2 (10-oz.) pkg. frozen broccoli in cheese flavored sauce
2 cans (19 oz each) Progresso™ Traditional chicken noodle soup
1 oz. (1/4 cup) shredded Cheddar cheese


Cook broccoli as directed on package.
Meanwhile, in medium saucepan, heat soup over medium heat. Add cooked broccoli to soup. Cook until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally.
Sprinkle each serving with 1 tablespoon cheese.


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