Lunch: Easy Slow-Cooker Mashed Potatoes

This 2-ingredient side will give you more room on your holiday stovetop while delivering on great, traditional mashed potato flavor.


3 cups heavy whipping cream
5 lb baking potatoes


Spray 5-quart slow cooker with cooking spray. Pour whipping cream into slow cooker; stir in 2 teaspoons salt. Peel potatoes, then cut into 3/4-inch cubes. Add potatoes to cream while cutting to prevent browning. Be sure to submerge potatoes in cream.
Add enough water to cover potatoes, about a cup. Cover; cook on High heat setting 6 hours to 6 hours 30 minutes or until potatoes are very tender and can be mashed easily by pressing against side of cooker with spatula.
Mash, crush or smash potatoes using potato masher, or beat with electric mixer on low speed until well blended. Do not overmix. Cover; keep warm on Warm heat setting until serving time, up to 2 hours. Stir before serving.


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