Lunch: Banana Split Sundaes

Recipe by Amanda Haas Believe it or not, banana splits are a great way for children to have a well-balanced sweet treat. My secret? Go heavy on the fruit!


1/4 cup whipping cream
1 1/2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups vanilla light ice cream
2 cups diced strawberries
1 1/4 cups sliced banana (2 bananas)
1/4 cup Dark Chocolate Sauce, warmed
1/4 cup bottled caramel sauce, warmed
1/2 cup coarsely chopped dry-roasted almonds


Combine first 3 ingredients in a bowl. Beat with mixer at medium speed until soft peaks form.
Scoop 1/2 cup ice cream into each of 8 bowls. Top each with 1/4 cup strawberries and 2 1/2 tablespoons banana. Drizzle 1 1/2 teaspoons each of Dark Chocolate Sauce and caramel sauce over each serving. Top each with 1 tablespoon sweetened whipped cream and 1 tablespoon almonds.
Tip: For portion control, scoop the ice cream for the kids, and then let them assemble everything else themselves.


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