Lunch: Bell Pepper Poppers

For a little more heat in these poppers, increase the amount of crushed red pepper flakes to your liking.


Cooking spray
12 mini sweet peppers
2 slices turkey bacon, diced
½ cup diced onion
4 ounces fat free cream cheese, room temperature
2 ounces soft goat cheese, room temperature
¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 slice whole wheat bread, toasted
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese


Preheat the oven to 375° F. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. Set aside. 
Slice each pepper in half lengthwise then scoop out any seeds and membrane.
Add bacon to a non-stick sauté pan with cooking spray over medium heat and cook until crisp. Drain on a paper towel and set aside.
Add onions to the pan used to cook the bacon and add more cooking spray if needed. Cook the onions, stirring occasionally until clear. Set aside to cool.
In a small bowl, mix the cream cheese and goat cheese. Add the bacon, onions and red pepper flakes. Stir to combine.
Grind toasted bread in a food processor with the garlic and parmesan cheese. Set aside in a small bowl.
Spoon the cheese mixture into each pepper half (1 teaspoon of mixture per popper), and then press the cheese side of the popper into the whole wheat breadcrumb mixture. Lay on the prepared baking sheet breadcrumb side up and spray each on lightly with cooking spray. 
Bake the poppers for about 20 minutes or until the peppers have softened and the breadcrumbs are golden brown.


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