Dinner: Chicken Chana Masala - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com

chicken Chana masala also known as chole masala or channay (plural) is a popular Punjabi dish in Pakistani and Indian cuisine. "murgh cholay" is popular; the dish consists of chickpeas and chicken The main ingredient is chickpeas called "chana" in Hindustani. It is fairly dry and spicy with a sour citrus . http://www.vahrehvah.com/chicken-chana-masala Ingredients: Chicken 500 g Chana daal 100 g Oil 3 tb Onion chopped 2 n Salt Ginger garlic paste 1 ts Turmeric ¼ ts Chilly powder 1 tb Garam masala 1tb Yogurt 1 cup Tomatoes chopped 4 n Coriander chopped 1 b Directions: Heat oil in a pan add chicken pieces, salt put the lid on let it cook till the chicken is 70 % cook, then transfer the chicken into the plate, in the same oil add chopped onion, salt, ginger garlic paste, turmeric, cook this onions are golden in colour, add chilly powder, garam masala powder, yogurt, chopped tomatoes, cook this tomatoes are mashed, chana daal (soaked and boiled still it is grainy), add chicken pieces, put the lid on and let it cook for some time, add chopped coriander, switch off the flame. Serve this hot with naan, roti, puri and chapatti. http://www.vahrehvah.com/Chicken Chana Masala:8332 you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at - Website - http://www.vahrehvah.com/ Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=vahchef Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/VahChef.SanjayThumma Twitter - https://twitter.com/vahrehvah Google Plus - https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116066497483672434459 Flickr Photo - http://www.flickr.com/photos/23301754@N03/ Linkedin - http://lnkd.in/nq25sW Picasa Photos- http://picasaweb.google.com/118141140815684791742 Stumleupon http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/vahrehvah Tumblr http://vahrehvah.tumblr.com/ Blogger - http://vahrehvah.blogspot.in/"


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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