Dinner: CAPSICUM OATS FRY - Mrs Vahchef

A combination of capsicum and oats is a dry fry curry which goes very well with chapati, roti and phulka http://www.vahrehvah.com/capsicum-oats-fry Ingredients: Capsicum 200 g oats 1 cup Oil 2 tbsp Mustard seeds ½ tsp Cumin seeds ½ tsp Dry red chilli 2 no’s Ginger & Garlic (chopped ) ½ each Urad dal 1 tsp Chana dal 1 tsp Hing pinch Curry leaves 2 sprigs Green chilli (chopped) 3 no’s Onions (chopped) 1 no Salt to taste Turmeric ¼ tsp Method : 1. Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, dry red chilli, finely chopped ginger and garlic, urad dal, chana dal, pinch of hing, curry leaves, chopped green chilli and onions, salt mix well and cook it for 2 minutes then add turmeric, capsicum pieces mix well and cook this with lid on in a slow flame till 80% done. 2. Once it done add oats mix it and cook it for 2 minutes. 3. Serve it with puri, chapathi and Rice.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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