Lunch: Bacon, Avocado, and Chicken Sandwich

Cook Time: 25 mins


Keto Cloud Bread
3 large Eggs
3 oz. Cream Cheese
1/8 tsp. Cream of Tartar
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
The Filling
1 tbsp. Mayonnaise
1 tsp. Sriracha
2 slices Bacon
3 oz. Chicken
2 slices Pepper Jack Cheese
2 Grape Tomatoes
1/4 medium Avocado (about 2 oz.)


Preheat the oven to 300F. Separate 3 eggs into different bowls.
Add cream of tartar and salt to the whites, then whip until you see soft, foamy peaks form.
In the other bowl, beat yolks and cream cheese until a pale yellow color.
Gently fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture, half at a time.
On a parchment paper lined baking sheet, spoon about 1/4 cup of the batter, then form into square shapes. Sprinkle garlic over the top and bake for 25 minutes.
Cook the chicken and bacon with some salt and pepper. Then, assemble the sandwich with mayo, sriracha, halved tomatoes, cheese, and mashed avocado.


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