Dinner: Jumbo Ebi Fry (Deep-Fried Prawn Recipe) ジャンボえびフライ 作り方 レシピ

How to Make Jumbo Ebi Fry ジャンボえびフライの作り方 字幕表示可 材料(日本語)↓ (serves 1) 2 Large Frozen Prawns in shell with head removed All Purpose Flour ½ Beaten Egg A sprinkle of Water Panko or breadcrumbs Salt Pepper 1 Green Asparagus Spear Frying Oil 2 Spring Roll Rice Paper Wrappers - Side Vegetables - Cabbage Leaves, shredded 1 Tomato Wedge Parsley Leaves 1 Lemon Wedge - Easy Tartar Sauce - 1 tbsp Cucumber, chopped 1 tbsp Onion, chopped 1 tbsp Mayonnaise ¼ tsp Vinegar ¼ tsp Sugar Salt Pepper Milk to adjust the consistency You might also enjoy ... Previous Ebi Fry https://youtu.be/adLjNuZGxo8 Custard Pudding http://youtu.be/N6JZx86OyXM http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog http://vine.co/cookingwithdog ※字幕を表示するには動画下部にある [字幕] アイコンをクリックして下さい♪ <材料>1人分 えび(大)(殻付き/無頭/冷凍):2尾 小麦粉 溶き卵1/2個+水少々 パン粉 塩 こしょう グリーンアスパラガス:1本 揚げ油 生春巻きの皮:2枚 付け合わせ キャベツ トマト パセリ レモン [簡単タルタルソース] きゅうり(みじん切り):大1 玉ねぎ(みじん切り):大1 マヨネーズ:大1 酢:小1/4 砂糖:小1/4 塩 こしょう 牛乳(かたさ調節用)

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Lemon, Asparagus

Health and fertility benefits of Jumbo Ebi Fry (Deep-Fried Prawn Recipe) ジャンボえびフライ 作り方 レシピ

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to. We don't have any research on Asparagus as a fertility food yet. Please leave your review below if you are able to provide details about asparagus.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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