Dinner: Ingen Goma-ae (String Beans with Sesame Seasoning) いんげんのごま和え 作り方レシピ

http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog Ingredients for Ingen Goma-ae (serves 2) 100g Ingen - String Bean Pods or substitute: spinach or your favorite vegetable (3.5 oz) 3 tbsp Toasted White or Black Sesame Seeds 2 tsp Dashi Stock or Water 1 tsp Sugar 1 tsp Soy Sauce いんげんのごま和え(2人分) さやいんげん:100g(ほうれん草や他の野菜でも可) 白炒りごま:大3(黒ごまでも可) 出し汁(または水):小2程度 砂糖:小1 醤油:小1

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Sesame Seeds, Spinach

Health and fertility benefits of Ingen Goma-ae (String Beans with Sesame Seasoning) いんげんのごま和え 作り方レシピ

Sesame seeds help with progesterone balance. Lignans found in in sesame seeds help to prevent excess estrogen production. Fresh spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, all of which have significant roles in reducing inflammation in the body, all of which help in the case of infertility.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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