Dinner: Teuchi Udon Noodles (Homemade Sanuki Udon Recipe) 手打ちうどん(讃岐うどん風)作り方レシピ

How to Make Teuchi Udon (serves 3~4) 手打ちうどんの作り方 字幕表示可 300g Udonko - Wheat Flour w/ protein content 9.0~9.5% (10.6oz) 15g Salt (0.529oz) 130ml Water (4.40 fl oz) 50g Corn Starch or Potato Starch (1.76oz) Mentsuyu - Noodle Soup - Seasonings - Spring Onions Grated Ginger Grated White Sesame Seeds - Cooking Items - Ziploc (27x27cm / 10x10 inch) Pastry Board (46x53cm / 18x21 inch) Rolling Pin (46cm Ø 3cm / 18 inch Ø 1.18 inch) Note: It was 75°F (24°C) on the day of shooting and the fermentation time depends on the temperature. To get the rough idea for fermentation time, rest the dough in a plastic bag for 2 hours in spring and fall, 30 to 60 minutes in summer and over 3 or 4 hours in winter. <材料> 3〜4人分うどん用 小麦粉:300g(タンパク質9.0~9.5の中力粉でも良い) 塩:15g 水:130ml 打ち粉(コーンスターチか片栗粉。うどん用小麦粉でも良い):50g位 (コーンスターチや片栗粉は麺と麺がくっつきにくい。作ってすぐ茹でる場合は小麦粉でも良い) 麺つゆ 薬味:適量 青ねぎ おろし生姜 白すりごま <使用したもの> •Ziplocの様な食品用の厚手の袋:使用したのは27.3x26.8cm •麺打ち台 46×53cm •麺棒  直径3cm、46cm長さ http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Sesame Seeds

Health and fertility benefits of Teuchi Udon Noodles (Homemade Sanuki Udon Recipe) 手打ちうどん(讃岐うどん風)作り方レシピ

Sesame seeds help with progesterone balance. Lignans found in in sesame seeds help to prevent excess estrogen production.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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