Dinner: Power Pressure Cooker XL - AS SEEN ON TV

Buy Power Pressure Cooker XL: 10% off your order with code POWER19 http://pressurecookerdeal19.com/ Get the JAKATAK app for iPhone/iPad: https://goo.gl/WeupOL Android version coming soon. Here is the recipe: 1 bottle of southern pecan nut ale 1 bottle of Caribbean Jerk Sauce --brown meat then remove from pan. --deglaze pan with half of the beer --place meat in pressure cooker and pour sauce/beer on top. --Cooking times are 45 min for rare. 50 min for med rare. 55 min for med. Jack's online recipe library for free: http://CookingwithJack.com Buy Jack's Sauces : http://TheBestSauces.com Buy Jack's Teriyaki on Walmart.com: http://www.walmart.com/ip/37620848 Please share this video on Facebook, Twitter, Google or Reddit.


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