Lunch: Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan

These green stalks of beauty come as a welcome respite from all the flour, potatoes, butter and sugar that has seemed to flood my life in recent weeks. There was Cheesy Garlic Bread, Dutch Baby Pancakes, Deep-Fried Ravioli, and oh boy, the pièce de résist

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan

We don't have any research on Asparagus as a fertility food yet. Please leave your review below if you are able to provide details about asparagus.


2 lbs fresh asparagus, ends trimmed
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Olive oil
Kosher salt
Freshly cracked black Pepper


Preheat the oven to 400 ºF.
Cover a cookie sheet with foil and spray it lightly with cooking spray.
Arrange the trimmed asparagus on the cookie sheet and drizzle them with olive oil, giving them a quick turn to ensure that they're evenly coated.
Sprinkle the asparagus with Kosher salt and cracked black pepper.
Roast the asparagus for 15 to 20 minutes, just until they're tender but still crisp.
Remove the asparagus from the oven and then sprinkle them immediately with Parmesan cheese and serve.


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