Beverage: Goat Cheese and Vegetables Omelette

A healthy, protein-filled, yet a little bit fancy omelette.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Goat Cheese and Vegetables Omelette

Basil is an excellent stress reliever, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.


1 medium egg
5 large egg whites
1 tsp goat cheese
1/4 medium red pepper
2 medium chanterelles mushrooms
1/2 tsp olive oil
6 leaves fresh basil
1/2 tbsp chopped red onion, finely chopped


1. Whisk together eggs and egg whites with 1/2 teaspoon of water until foamy. Heat an oiled pan (preferably cast iron) to high until water spits on the surface.

2. Make sure all your omelette filling ingredients are ready to go. The vegetables and mushrooms should be finely chopped. Tear the basil leaves to release the aroma.

3. Pour the egg mix into the pan. Push back the sides of the omelette so that the middle runs out to the sides. This will also keep the omelette from sticking later.

4. When the omelette has bubbled but is not completely cooked, turn down the burner a notch (in between high and medium high).

5. Gently place the goat cheese, chanterelles mushrooms and vegetables of your choice on the omelette, off to the side. It should take up not quite half of the omelette's surface. Let sit for a few seconds.

6. Pull back the empty half of the omelette and fold over the stuffing. Press down with the spatula. Flip over. Let sit for a few seconds. Fold the omelette again so it is quartered.

7. Remove immediately. Can be kept warm in a 200 °F (90 °C) oven if you are making another. Plate by sprinkling a few basil leaves on top.

8. Note: making these types of omelettes is very tricky and can take you a few tries to get it completely right. Once you can you can then impress your friends :)


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