Lunch: Roasted Broccoli and Chicken Bake

While it's easy to buy precut broccoli florets, we like to cut them from the heads (about 2 in this case) and save the stems for another meal.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Barley, Broccoli, Chicken Breast

Health and fertility benefits of Roasted Broccoli and Chicken Bake

Barley is about the best grain a woman with PCOS can eat. It is low in calories and has the lowest GI of all grains. Low-GI grains such as barley take much longer to digest and create a slow, steady rise in blood glucose and insulin levels. As mentioned before on Fertility Chef, low-GI foods reduce cravings. If possible, try and find hulled barley as it is the most nutrient dense of all types of barley. Broccoli is one of the non-starchy vegetables that has a very low glycemic index (GI), which is beneficial for reducing blood sugar levels. Broccoli is also a source of DIM (Diindolymethane). Diindolymethane is very effective in reducing the testosterone levels in the body, an action that would automatically curb male dominant features and regulate the estrogen levels in the system. Skinless chicken breast is an excellent source of the protein, as its contains 21 grams of protein for every 100 grams of breast. Additionally, chicken contains ample amounts of vitamin B6, which serves a vital function in helping to reduce the stressors that cause PCOS. Vitamin B6 help keeps your hormones at balanced levels, which is very helpful for those seeking to stem the flow of excessive testosterone and androgen


1 c. pearl barley
3 c. lower-sodium chicken broth
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 lb. skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
1 large carrot
1 small onion
2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
2 clove garlic
8 oz. mushrooms
1/4 c. water
6 c. broccoli florets


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
In large microwave-safe bowl, stir together barley and broth. Cover with vented plastic wrap; microwave on high 20 to 25 minutes or until most of liquid is absorbed, stirring once.
Meanwhile, in 12-inch skillet, heat 1 tablespoon oil on medium-high. Add chicken; sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper. Cook 4 minutes or until golden, stirring once. With slotted spoon, transfer chicken to bowl.
To skillet, add carrot, onion, and thyme; cook 3 minutes, stirring. Add garlic; cook 30 seconds, stirring, then add mushrooms and water, scraping up browned bits. Cook 2 minutes; remove from heat. Stir in chicken and barley; transfer to shallow 3-quart baking dish.
Toss broccoli with 1/8 teaspoon salt and remaining oil; arrange on top of barley mixture. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until broccoli is tender.


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