Lunch: Summer Melon Rosé Sangria Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Katie Barreira For a playful presentation, use a melon baller to scoop the fruit into bobbing orbs.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Summer Melon Rosé Sangria Recipe | MyRecipes

One tbsp of honey has a glycemic index (GI) of 55.


1 (750-milliliter) bottle dry rosé
1/2 cup elderflower liqueur (such as St. Germain)
2 mint sprigs, divided
1 1/2 cups (1-inch) cubed cantaloupe, divided
1 1/2 cups (1-inch) cubed honeydew melon, divided
1 1/4 cups (1-inch) cubed baby seedless watermelon, divided
1 1/2 cups chilled club soda


Combine rosé, liqueur, 1 mint sprig, and 1 cup each melon in a pitcher. Cover; chill at least 8 hours.
Place remaining melon in a single layer in a small baking dish; cover and freeze.
Remove mint sprig from pitcher, and discard. Stir remaining mint sprig, frozen melon, and club soda into sangria just before serving.


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