Lunch: Poached Salmon with Creamy Herb Sauce Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Katherine Cobbs Poach the salmon for 10 minutes, then let it stand for another 10 minutes to finish cooking. It will be translucent in the center when it's completely cooked.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Salmon, Lemon

Health and fertility benefits of Poached Salmon with Creamy Herb Sauce Recipe | MyRecipes

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and also one of the best sources of vitamin D. Keeping vitamin D levels up is important to women with PCOS. Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to.


2 cups dry white wine
2 cups water
3 tablespoons sliced shallots
6 black peppercorns
4 lemon slices
2 parsley sprigs
4 (6-ounce) skinless salmon fillets (about 1 inch thick)


To prepare salmon, combine the first 6 ingredients in a large skillet; bring to a boil. Add fish to pan. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes (fish may not be completely cooked). Remove from heat. Let stand, covered, 10 minutes. Remove fish from pan with a slotted spoon; place on a dish. Cover and chill. Discard cooking liquid.
To prepare sauce, combine mayonnaise and next 9 ingredients (through pepper) in a small bowl; cover and chill.
Cook peas in boiling water 1 minute or until crisp-tender. Drain and rinse with cold water; drain. Arrange 2 cups of lettuce and 3/4 cup peas on each of 4 plates. Top each serving with 1 salmon fillet and about 3 tablespoons sauce.


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