Lunch: Slow Cooker Thai Peanut Pork

Recipe by Fireguy553 This is a easy pork dish that your whole family will enjoy.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Slow Cooker Thai Peanut Pork

Nuts are a natural source of Inositol, a derivative of Vitamin B (which is often prescribed in the form of supplements for women with PCOS). Inositol can effectively control the symptoms of PCOS by reducing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity.


2 red bell pepper, seeded and sliced into strips
4 (8 ounce) boneless pork loin chops
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1/4 cup chopped roasted peanuts
2 limes, cut into wedges


Coat a slow cooker with cooking spray. Place the bell pepper strips and pork chops into the slow cooker. Pour the teriyaki sauce, vinegar, red pepper flakes, and garlic over the pork chops.
Cover and cook on Low until the pork is very tender, 8 to 9 hours. Once tender, remove the pork from the slow cooker, and whisk in the peanut butter until smooth. Return the pork to the slow cooker, and cook 10 minutes more.
Pour into a serving dish and sprinkle with green onions and peanuts to garnish. Decorate with lime wedges to serve.


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