Lunch: Grilled Spicy-Citrus Chicken Thighs with Corn and Green Onions


1 cup fresh lime juice
2/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
2 teaspoons hot pepper sauce
2 teaspoons dried crushed red pepper
16 large chicken thighs with skin and bones (about 6 pounds)
16 green onions
8 ears of corn, husked


Whisk first 7 ingredients in medium bowl. Season marinade with salt and pepper. Place chicken thighs in large resealable plastic bag. Place green onions and corn in extra-large resealable plastic bag. Divide marinade equally between bags; seal bags, turning to coat. Chill chicken, corn, and green onions 4 hours, turning bags occasionally.
Prepare barbecue (medium heat). Remove chicken and vegetables from marinade; discard marinade. Grill chicken until charred and juices run clear when pierced with knife, turning occasionally and rearranging on grill for even cooking, about 25 minutes. Grill green onions and corn until charred on all sides, about 6 minutes for green onions and 13 minutes for corn. Transfer chicken, green onions, and corn to platter and serve.


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