Dinner: How to Make Ochazuke お茶漬けの作り方

Ingredients for Salmon Ikura Chazuke (serves 1) 50g Salted Salmon Fillet (1.76 oz) 1 tbsp Ikura Shoyu-zuke - salmon roe marinated with soy sauce based seasoning Toasted Nori Seaweed 1 tbsp Chopped Mitsuba Parsley Toasted White Sesame Seeds Wasabi - Japanese Horseradish Salt 80g Steamed Rice (2.82 oz) Hojicha - a type of Japanese green tea Ingredients for Umeboshi Shirasu Takana Chazuke (serves 1) ½~1 Umeboshi - Pickled Japanese Plum 1 tbsp Shirasu Whitebait 1~2 tbsp Chopped Takana-zuke - pickled takana greens 2 Shiso Leaves Toasted White Sesame Seeds 80g Steamed Rice (2.82 oz) Hojicha - a type of Japanese green tea - Topping Suggestions - Toasted Tarako - salted Alaska pollock roe Salted Kombu Seaweed Ika Shiokara - salted semi-fermented squid Tsukemono - Japanese pickles Arare - bite-sized Japanese rice crackers * If you can't find these toppings in your area, look for savory salted ingredients as substitutes. The upside of sauteing salmon in a pan is that it doesn't give off much smoke and the cleanup is easy. You might also enjoy the video on how to make Tai Chazuke (Sea Bream Chazuke). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUhuuUfmlt8 <材料> ●『鮭・いくら茶漬け』1人分 塩鮭:1/2切れ(50g) いくら醤油漬け:大1 焼き海苔:適量 刻み三つ葉:大1 炒り白ごま:適量 わさび 塩 ご飯:80g ほうじ茶 ●『梅干し・しらす・高菜茶漬け』1人分 梅干し:1/2〜1個 しらす:大1 高菜漬け(漬け物)みじん切り:大1〜2 大葉:2枚 炒り白ごま:適量 ご飯:80g ほうじ茶 他のお茶漬け材料 焼きたらこ、塩昆布、イカの塩辛、漬け物全般、あられなど ※フライパンで焼く良いところは、煙が出にくく後片付けが簡単なところです。以前鯛茶漬けを作りましたのでそちらもご覧下さい。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUhuuUfmlt8 . http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Salmon, Sesame Seeds, Green Tea

Health and fertility benefits of How to Make Ochazuke お茶漬けの作り方

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and also one of the best sources of vitamin D. Keeping vitamin D levels up is important to women with PCOS. Sesame seeds help with progesterone balance. Lignans found in in sesame seeds help to prevent excess estrogen production. Green tea has been found in recent studies to actually reverse insulin resistance, as it increases the number of glucose receptors on cells in key tissues.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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