Lunch: Low Carb Pasta a la Carbonara

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Low Carb Pasta a la Carbonara

Basil is an excellent stress reliever, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.


2/3 Pasta Recipe from Keto-fied!
5 Oz. Bacon
2 large Egg Yolks
1 large Egg
1 tbsp. Heavy Cream
1/3 cup Fresh Grated Parmesan (Plus garnish)
3 tbsp. Fresh Chopped Basil
Fresh Ground Black Pepper to Taste


1. Prepare pasta as described in Keto-fied: Comfort Food Made Low Carb.
2. Freeze bacon for 15 minutes prior for easier cutting. Slice bacon into small cubes and cook until crisp over high heat.
3. Set bacon aside to cool on paper towels and become even crispier.
4. Save 1/3 bacon grease and keep other 2/3 in the pan. Mix together 1 large egg and 2 large egg yolks.
5. Measure out 1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese.
6. Add parmesan, cream, and saved 1/3 bacon grease that was saved to the egg and egg yolk mixture. Stir together well until a thick sauce is formed.
7. Cook pasta in a pan with the bacon grease that is left over high heat.
8. Add pasta to a mixing bowl, then add crisped bacon and toss.
9. Add carbonara sauce to the pasta along with 2 tbsp. freshly chopped basil and fresh cracked black pepper. Mix together until all strands of pasta is covered completely.
10. Garnish with extra fresh cracked black pepper and chopped basil.


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