Snack: Avocado-Tomatillo Dip with Jalapenos and Cilantro

Recipe by SandyG Tomatillos give a bit of tang to this avocado dip. Hass avocados, with their pebbly skin, are generally smaller, meatier, and less watery than their smooth skinned counterpart, the Fuerte.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Avocado-Tomatillo Dip with Jalapenos and Cilantro

Avocados are anti-inflammatory in nature, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids which have been proven to reduce inflammation within the body. Those seeking to sop up more oil-based nutrients will want eat avocado, as they help with their absorption. Vitamins A, D, E, and K all fall into this category, and with each also playing a role in reducing inflammation, ensuring that they get absorbed into your body efficiently will aid you in repairing the damage done by the excess insulin that flows through your veins.


7 ounces fresh tomatillos, husks discarded and tomatillos rinsed
1/4 cup thickly sliced white onion
1 fresh jalapeno chili
1/2 cup packed fresh cilantro sprigs
2 Hass avocados
1/2 teaspoon salt


Put tomatillos, onion, and jalapeno in a small saucepan with water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook until tomatillos are softened and pale green, about 5 minutes. Drain, run under cold water to stop cooking, and drain well.
Halve jalapeno lengthwise. For a milder dip, scrape out ribs and seeds. Thickly slice jalapeno. Transfer to food processor along with tomatillo mixture and cilantro, and pulse until small chunks remain.
Halve avocados lengthwise and discard pits. Scoop out flesh and transfer to a bowl. Using a potato masher or fork, mash avocado along with salt until chunky. Fold in tomatillo mixture and serve.


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