Dessert: Holiday Cheesecake Recipe

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Cinnamon, Cranberries

Health and fertility benefits of Holiday Cheesecake Recipe

Cinnamon is one of the best ingredients that someone with insulin sensitivity can eat. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day has been shown to be very effective at normalizing blood sugar levels. Cinnamon contains hydroxychalcone, which is thought to enhance the effects of insulin. It has also been suggested that Cinnamon prevents post-meal blood sugar spikes by slowing the gastric emptying rate - meaning that food digests slowly. (Reference: Researchers believe that cranberries contain substances that prevent infection-causing bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls. However, store-bought cranberry juice is typically all sugar - so make sure to stick with straight cranberries.


1 cup reduced-fat cinnamon graham cracker crumbs (about 5 whole crackers)
2 tablespoons reduced-fat butter, melted
1 package (12 ounces) fresh or frozen cranberries
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water


In a small bowl, combine cracker crumbs and butter. Press onto the bottom of a 9-in. springform pan coated with cooking spray. Place on a baking sheet. Bake at 325 ° for 8-10 minutes or until set. Cool on a wire rack.
In a small saucepan, combine the cranberries, sugar and water. Cook over medium heat until berries pop, about 10 minutes; cool.
In a large bowl, combine the first seven filling ingredients; beat until blended. Add eggs and egg whites; beat on low speed just until combined. Pour over crust.
Place pan on a double thickness of heavy-duty foil (about 18 in. square). Securely wrap foil around pan. Place in a large baking pan; add 1 in. of hot water to larger pan.
Bake at 325 ° for 55-60 minutes or until center is just set and top appears dull. Remove pan from water bath. Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Carefully run a knife around edge of pan to loosen; cool 1 hour longer.
Gently spoon cranberry mixture over cheesecake. Refrigerate overnight. Remove sides of pan before cutting.


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