Dinner: Ssamjang (Korean dipping sauce: 쌈장)

The recipe is here: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/ssamjang I am introducing Ssamjang to you today, a kind of Korean dipping sauce. I've posted ssamjang recipes in the past, always as a side dish for things like grilled beef (soegogi gui) and grilled pork belly (samgyeopsal gui), but the ratio can vary depending on your personal preference and mood. This is a special ratio for ssamjang that I think the most delicious so far. But it's your choice. If you don't want to make your ssamjang sweet, you can skip sugar, honey, or syrup or use less of it. You can also buy premade ssamjang in Korean grocery stores, but I guarantee this will be fresher and more delicious. It's best just after you make it, but you can store it in the fridge about 10 days, if you need to. As I show in the video, you can make a simple, light meal with ssamjang, lettuce, and rice. Wrapping some rice and ssamjang in a lettuce leaf and pop it into your mouth. Enjoy! : ) Ingredients: (4 servings) ¼ cup doenjang (fermented soy bean paste) 1 tbs gochujang (hot pepper paste) 1 stalk of minced green onion ¼ cup chopped onion 2 ts honey 2 ts toasted sesame seeds 2 ts sesame oil Directions: Use a spoon to mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Transfer it to a small bowl, and serve with rice and lettuce, or with meat BBQ.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Sesame Seeds, Honey

Health and fertility benefits of Ssamjang (Korean dipping sauce: 쌈장)

Sesame seeds help with progesterone balance. Lignans found in in sesame seeds help to prevent excess estrogen production. One tbsp of honey has a glycemic index (GI) of 55.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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