Dinner: Chocolate Ganache Cakes w/ Marshmallow Ghosts: Halloween Sweet Treats

SUBSCRIBE TO KINCOMMUNITY http://bit.ly/KinHalloween Purchase all ingredients for this recipe here: http://rdy.cr/9f4fe1 Like our music? Buy our CD! http://bit.ly/KinMusic The best part about Halloween is all the sweets! We joined together with 5 of our favorite YouTube channels to bring you some delicious ideas for this holiday. See the full playlist here! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlThBi_4yWKu0SNdQH3ArM2RzmCQ9ioY3 Join Beth for more fun menu ideas! SUBSCRIBE TO ENTERTAINING WITH BETH http://bit.ly/BethsEntertaining SUBSCRIBE TO FOOD WISHES http://bit.ly/FoodWishes SUBSCRIBE TO ALLRECIPES http://bit.ly/AllRecipesHalloween SUBSCRIBE TO DIVAS CAN COOK http://bit.ly/DivasCanCookHalloween SUBSCRIBE TO HUNGRY http://bit.ly/HungryHalloween SUBSCRIBE TO MODERN MOM http://bit.ly/ModernMomHalloween Chocolate Ganache Spook Cakes with Marshmallow Ghosts Serves 6 Ingredients: 1 ½ c of flour ¾ cup sugar 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp of salt ½ cup of cocoa powder ½ cup bittersweet chocolate, chopped 1 cup of water ½ cup canola oil 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla For Ganache: 1 cup of chocolate chips ¼ cup of heavy cream 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp vanilla For Marshmallow Ghosts: 3 egg whites ½ cup sugar 1 cup of corn syrup (* To make corn syrup click here: http://www.thekitchn.com/pantry-staples-diy-cane-sugar-131934) 1 tsp vanilla ¼ tsp salt 1 package Wilton brand eye candies METHOD: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, cocoa powder and salt. Melt chocolate in microwave at :30 increments. Combine with eggs, water, oil and vanilla. Slowly stir in the dry ingredients. Fill jumbo muffin tin ½ way and bake for 30 mins. Meanwhile, for the marshmallow, beat eggs whites, sugar and corn syrup until fluffy add sugar and vanilla. Transfer marshmallow to a pastry bag fitted with a circular tip that is about ½"-3/4" in diameter. For the ganache. Heat cream in pyrex pitcher in microwave in :30 increments until hot. Pour over chocolate chips and whisk until melted. Add honey, and vanilla and set aside. Invert muffins so their bottoms become their tops. Spoon 1 heaping spoonful of ganache on top, allowing it to melt over the sides. Let rest for 20 mins to set. Pipe ghost marshmallow mounds on top. Dot with eyes facing out. Refrigerate until ready to serve, then let the cakes come to room temperature on the counter for 20 mins before serving.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Chocolate Ganache Cakes w/ Marshmallow Ghosts: Halloween Sweet Treats

One tbsp of honey has a glycemic index (GI) of 55.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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