Snack: Almond Butter Chia Squares

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Chia Seeds

Health and fertility benefits of Almond Butter Chia Squares

Chia seeds are made up of 60% Omega-3 fatty acids and are the highest source of protein out of any type of seed.


1/2 cup Raw Almonds
1 tbsp. 1 tsp. Coconut Oil
4 tbsp. NOW Erythritol
2 tbsp. Butter
1/4 cup Heavy Cream
1/4 tsp. Liquid Stevia
1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/2 cup Unsweetened Shredded Coconut Flakes
1/4 cup Chia Seeds
1/2 cup Coconut Cream
2 tbsp. Coconut Flour


1. Add 1/2 cup Raw Almonds to a pan and toast for about 7 minutes on medium-low heat. Just enough so that you start to smell the nuttiness coming out.
2. Add the nuts to the food processor and grind them.
3. Once they reach a mealy consistency, add 2 tbsp. NOW Erythritol and 1 tsp. Coconut Oil.
4. Continue grinding almonds until almond butter is formed.
5. In a pan, melt 2 tbsp. Butter on medium heat while stirring. Do this until the butter is browned.
6. Once butter is browned, add 1/4 cup Heavy Cream, 2 tbsp. NOW Erythritol, 1/4 tsp. Liquid Stevia, and 1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract to the butter. Turn heat to low and stir well as the cream bubbles.
7. Grind 1/4 Cup Chia Seeds in a spice grinder until a powder is formed.
8. Begin toasting chia seeds and 1/2 Cup Unsweetened Shredded Coconut Flakes in a pan on medium low. You want the coconut to just slightly brown.
9. Add almond butter to the butter and heavy cream mixture and stir it in well. Let it cook down into a paste.
10. In a square (or whatever size you want) baking dish, add the almond butter mixture, toasted chia and coconut mixture, and 1/2 Cup Coconut Cream. You can add the coconut cream to a pan to melt it slightly before adding it.
11. Add 1 tbsp. Coconut oil and 2 tbsp. Coconut Flour and mix everything together well.
12. Using your fingers, pack the mixture into the baking dish well.
13. Refrigerate mixture for at least an hour and then take it out of the baking dish. It should hold form now.
14. Chop the mixture into squares or any shape you’d like and put back in the refrigerator for at least a few more hours. You can use excess mixture to form more squares, but I ate it instead.
15. Take out and snack on it as you want!


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