Lunch: Quick Chicken Fajitas Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Deb Wise For a casual, fun get-together, set up a make-your-own-fajitas bar with the chicken filling, avocado cream, sour cream, and any other toppings you love, like pico de gallo, sliced fresh jalapeños, or crisp radish slices. The recipe ser

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Chicken Breast, Avocados

Health and fertility benefits of Quick Chicken Fajitas Recipe | Myrecipes

Skinless chicken breast is an excellent source of the protein, as its contains 21 grams of protein for every 100 grams of breast. Additionally, chicken contains ample amounts of vitamin B6, which serves a vital function in helping to reduce the stressors that cause PCOS. Vitamin B6 help keeps your hormones at balanced levels, which is very helpful for those seeking to stem the flow of excessive testosterone and androgen Avocados are anti-inflammatory in nature, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids which have been proven to reduce inflammation within the body. Those seeking to sop up more oil-based nutrients will want eat avocado, as they help with their absorption. Vitamins A, D, E, and K all fall into this category, and with each also playing a role in reducing inflammation, ensuring that they get absorbed into your body efficiently will aid you in repairing the damage done by the excess insulin that flows through your veins.


8 (6-in.) corn tortillas
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut crosswise into 1/4-in.-thick slices
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 cups thinly sliced red and orange bell pepper (about 1 small of each)
1 1/2 cups thinly sliced red onion
1 1/2 ripe peeled avocados
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
1/4 cup light sour cream (optional)
3 tablespoons cilantro leaves (optional)
4 lime wedges


Working with 1 tortilla at a time, heat tortillas over medium-high heat in a large, dry skillet for about 20 seconds on each side or until lightly charred. Wrap tortillas in foil; keep warm.
Combine chili powder, cumin, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and black pepper in a bowl. Add chicken; toss to coat. Heat pan over medium-high heat. Add oil; swirl. Add chicken; cook 3 minutes. Add bell peppers and onion; cook 5 minutes or until vegetables are softened and chicken is done, stirring occasionally.
Place avocados in a bowl; coarsely mash with a fork. Add remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and lime juice, stirring to combine. Divide chicken mixture among tortillas; top evenly with avocado mixture. Top evenly with sour cream and cilantro, if desired. Serve with lime wedges.


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