Dinner: Betty's Festive Mexican 7-Layer Dip

Betty demonstrates how to assembly everyone's favorite 7-Layer Mexican Dip. Great for parties! Please subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/bettyskitchen Festive Mexican 7-Layer Dip 16 oz. can refried beans 2 avocados 2 teaspoons lime juice 2 chopped tomatoes (2) 4.25 oz. cans chopped or sliced ripe olives 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 package taco seasoning mix shredded Mexican cheese (Cheddar and Monterey jack) to taste 1 bunch green onion tips, chopped 1 package of Tostitos crispy rounds tortilla chips Spread the refried beans evenly in the bottom of a clear (approx. 9 inch by 12 inch) Pyrex dish. For the second layer, peel and mash the two avocados with the two teaspoons lime juice in a small mixing bowl. Spread this over the top of the refried beans. Wash and chop 2 tomatoes. Drain them with a colander, and then sprinkle them evenly over the avocado layer. Next, drain the ripe olives and sprinkle them over the tomato layer. At this point, mix together 1 cup of sour cream, 1/2 cup of mayonnaise and 1 package of taco seasoning mix in a small mixing bowl. Spread this mixture evenly over the ripe olive layer. Now, sprinkle the mayonnaise mixture layer generously with Mexican cheese. Finally top the 7-layer dip off with a sprinkling of the bunch of green onion tops. To serve, dip a Tostito into the dip and eat.! Enjoy!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW Cookbook:  "Betty's Kitchen Cookbook:  2013 Recipes" (c) 2014 Also available:  "The Betty's Kitchen Collection:  Second Edition" (c) 2013 *Both can be ordered from http://www.amazon.com or http://www.createspace.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Betty's Website:  http://www.bettyskitchen.us ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other places to watch Betty's Kitchen: Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/bettyskitchen/166973502092 Pinterest:  http://www.pinterest.com/bettyskitchen/bettyskitchen/ Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Myshine Google :  https://plus.google.com/108882445101872897307/posts ifood.tv:  http://www.ifood.tv/bettyskitchen Roku:  http://www.rokuguide.com/channels/betty's-kitchen​

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Betty's Festive Mexican 7-Layer Dip

Avocados are anti-inflammatory in nature, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids which have been proven to reduce inflammation within the body. Those seeking to sop up more oil-based nutrients will want eat avocado, as they help with their absorption. Vitamins A, D, E, and K all fall into this category, and with each also playing a role in reducing inflammation, ensuring that they get absorbed into your body efficiently will aid you in repairing the damage done by the excess insulin that flows through your veins.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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